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Transducer Adapter Cables

Eagle and Lowrance Transducers and Sensors

Speed-Only sensors
99-96 SP-BL Speed probe. For use with X125, X135, X100C, LMS-480, LMS-330C
99-76 SP-U Speed probe. For use with X67, M56, M68, FishEasy2 (black connector) FishMark (black connector)
99-70 SP-X Speed probe (X-series connector)
Temperature Sensors
07-24 TS-1BK Temperature probe (black connector) for Temp1
99-95 TS-1BL Temperature probe for Temp1. For use with X125, X135, X100C, LMS-480, LMS-330C
99-50 TS-1X Temperature probe (X-series connector) for Temp1 (includes MY-4X adapter)
99-77 TS-2U Temperature probe for Temp2. For use with FishEasy (black connector) FishMark (black connector)
Transducer Adapter Cables
99-53 MY-4X Y adapter cable. Allows for the addition of speed sensor, temp sensor or speed/temp probe to X-series connector units
08-94 TA-303BK Adapts most grey connector 192 kHz transducers to unit with black connector
119-00 TA-BL2U Adapts blue connector 50/200 kHz or 200 kHZ transducers to units with newer black 50/200 kHz or 200 kHZ transducer power connector
99-78 TA-X2U Adapts grey connector 50/200 kHz or 200 kHZ transducers to units with newer black 50/200 kHz or 200 kHZ transducer/power connector. Built-in temp sensor will not function
Transducer Extension Cables
99-57 XT-12X 12-ft (X-series connector) - 50 kHz or 200 kHz
08-68 XT-12 12-ft (grey connector) - 192 kHz only
08-99 XT-12BK 12-ft (black connector) - 192 kHz only
99-93 XT-12BL 12-ft extension cable - 50 or 200 kHz. For use with X125, X135, X100C, LMS-480, LMS-330C
99-91 XT-15U 15-ft extension cable. Includes power cable (50 or 200 kHz). For use with X47, X47EX, X67C, M52, M58, M68, Cuda 128, Cuda 168, Cuda 168EX, Cuda 240
99-94 XT-20BL 20-ft extension cable - 50 or 200 kHz. For use with X125, X135, X100C, LMS-480, LMS-330C
Transducer Switch Boxes
46-26 SB-9BL Switches 2 transducers to 1 sonar unit. For use with X125, X135, X100C, LMS-480, LMS-330C
46-27 SB-10BL Switches 2 sonar units to 1 transducer. For use with X125, X135, X100C, LMS-480, LMS-330C
106-37 BV-WSX Transom-mount, 3-beam skimmer (200 kHz). Replacement for TriFinder2
106-67 FB-256 Fairing block. For use with HP-DFX256
106-66 FB-260 Fairing block. For use with HP-DFX260
106-81 HP-DFBL256 Through-hull-mount, dual-frequency bronze housing, high-power mulitple element (50 kHz 14° and 200 kHz 3°) for use with LMS-480, LMS-330C
106-82 HP-DFBL260 Through-hull-mount, dual-frequency bronze housing, high-power mulitple element (50 kHz 19° and 200 kHz 6°) for use with LMS-480, LMS-330C
106-65 HP-DFX256 Through-hull-mount, dual-frequency bronze housing, high-power mulitple element (50 kHz 14° and 200 kHz 3°) for use with LCX range
106-64 HP-DFX260 Through-hull-mount, dual-frequency bronze housing, high-power mulitple element (50 kHz 19° and 200 kHz 6°) for use with LCX range
106-23 HS-50/200-DX Transom-mount, dual-frequency skimmer with built-in temp sensor (50 kHz 35º and 200 kHz 12º). Fits LCX-15, LCX-16
106-49 HST-50/200-WSU Transom-mount, dual-frequency skimmer with built-in temp sensor (50 kHz 35º and 200 kHz 12º). Fits SeaFinder, Sea Charter
106-77 HST-DFSBL Transom-mount, dual-frequency skimmer with built-in temp (50 kHz 35º and 200 kHz 12º). Fits X126, X136, X105c, LMS-480, LMS335c
106-39 HST-DWSX Transom-mount, 12º skimmer with built-in temp sensor (200 kHz). For use with X51, X58, X71, X87, X88, X91, X97, X98, LMS-240, LCX-15, LCX-16, LCX-18, LCX-19, LCX-104, FishEasy2 (grey connector), FishMark (grey connector)
106-72 HST-WSBL Transom-mount 20º skimmer with built-in temp sensor (200 kHz). For use with X100c, X125, X135, LMS-330c, LMS-480
106-48 HST-WSU Transom-mount 20º Skimmer with built in temp (200 kHz). Includes power cable. For use with X47, Cuda, M52i, M56i, M68i, FishEasy2 (black connector units only) FishMark (black connector units only)
106-56 HST-WSU30 Transom-mount 20º skimmer with built-in temp sensor (200 kHz). Includes 30-ft power cable. For use with Cuda 128, Cuda 168, Cuda 168EX, FishMark 320, X47, X67C
90-36 HS-WS Transom-mount, 20º skimmer
90-73 HS-WSBK Transom-mount, 20º skimmer
106-71 HS-WSBL Transom-mount 20º skimmer with built-in temp sensor (200 kHz). For use with X125, X135, X100c, LMS-480, LMS330C
106-22 HS-WSDX Transom-mount, 20º skimmer with built-in temp sensor (200 kHz). Fits LCX-15, LCX-16
90-67 HS-WSPC Transom-mount, 20º Skimmer. Fits SupraPro ID and Fish I.D. 128 only
106-51 HS-WSU Transom-mount 20º skimmer (200 kHz). Includes power cable. For use with X47, Cuda, M52i, M56i, M68i, FishEasy2 (black connector units only), FishMark (black connector units only)
106-34 HS-WSX Transom-mount, 20º skimmer (200 kHz). For use with X51, X58, X71, X87, X88, X91, X97, X98, LMS-240, LCX-15, LCX-16, LCX-18, LCX-19, LCX-104, FishEasy2 (grey connector), FishMark (grey connector)
106-89 PDRT-WBL Trolling motor-mount, 20º pod-type with remote temp sensor (200 kHz). For use with X125, X135, LMS-480
106-69 PDRT-WSU Trolling motor-mount, 20º pod-type with remote temp sensor (200 kHz). Includes power cable. For use with LCF-1440
106-74 PDT-WBL Trolling motor-mount, 20º pod-type with temp sensor (200 kHz). For use with X125, X135, X100c, LMS-480, LMS-330c
106-50 PDT-WSU Trolling motor-mount, 20º pod-type with temp sensor (200 kHz). Includes power cable. For use with X47, X67, M52i, M56i, M68i, Cuda, FishEasy2 (black connector only), FishMark (black connector only)
90-41 PD-W Shoot-through-hull or trolling motor-mount, 20º pod-type
90-76 PD-WBK Shoot-through-hull or trolling motor-mount, 20º pod-type
106-73 PD-WBL Trolling motor-mount or shoot-through-hull, 20º pod-type with temp sensor (200 kHz). For use with X125, X135, X100c, LMS-480, LMS-330c
106-26 PD-WDXT Trolling motor-mount, 20º pod-type with built-in temp sensor (200 kHz). Fits FishEasy2, TriFinder2, Fishmark, X51, X71, X91, LMS-240, LCX-15, LCX-16
106-52 PD-WSU Trolling motor-mount, 20º pod-type (200 kHz). Includes power cable. For use with X47, Cuda, FishEasy2 (black connector only), FishMark (black connector only)
106-76 PTT-WSBL Portable-mount, 20º skimmer (200 kHz) with built-in temp sensor. For use with X125, X135, X100c, LMS-480, LMS-330c
106-55 PTT-WSU Portable-mount, 20º skimmer (200 kHz) with built-in temp skinner. Includes power cable. For use with X47, X67, M52i, M56i, M68i, Cuda, FishEasy2 (black connector only), FishMark (black connector only)
90-93 PT-WSBK Portable-mount, 20º skimmer
106-75 PT-WSBL Portable-mount, 20º skimmer (200 kHz). For use with X125, X135, X100c, LMS-480, LMS-330c
106-54 PT-WSU Portable-mount, 20º skimmer (200 kHz). Includes power cable. For use with X47, X67, M52i, M56i, M68i, Cuda, FishEasy2 (black connector only), FishMark (black connector only)
106-36 PT-WSX Portable-mount, 20º skimmer (200 kHz). Fits FishEasy2, FishMark, X51, X71
106-33 TH-50/200-DX Through-hull-mount, dual-frequency bronze housing (50 kHz 35º and 200 kHz 12º). Fits LCX-15, LCX-16
106-78 TH-DFBL Through-hull-mount, dual-frequency bronze housing (50 kHz 35º and 200 kHz 12º). For use with X126, X136, X105c, LMS-480, LMS335c
106-80 TH-FLWBL Through-hull flange-mount, 20º plastic housing (200 kHz). For use with X125, X135, X100c, LMS-480, LMS330c
106-03 TH-FLW-P5BK Through-hull flange-mount, 20º plastic housing (192 kHz). For use with X49, X65, X85, LMS-160, FishEasy, UltraClassic, Accura240
106-02 TH-FLW-P5 Through-hull flange-mount, 20º plastic housing
106-44 TH-FLWX Through-hull flange-mount, 20º plastic housing (200 kHz). Includes MY-4X adapter. For use with X51, X58, X71, X87, X88, X91, X97, X98, LMS-240, LMS-320, LCX-15, LCX-16, LCX-18, LCX-19, LCX-104, FishEasy2 (grey connector only), FishMark (grey connector only)
106-24 THST-50/200-DX Through-hull-mount, dual-frequency bronze housing with built-in speed and temp sensor (50 kHz 35º and 200 kHz 12º). For use with X58, X88, X98, LMS-320, LCX-15, LCX-16, LCX-18, LCX-19, LCX-104
106-79 THST-DFBL Through-hull-mount, dual-frequency bronze housing with built-in speed and temp sensor (50 kHz 35º and 200 kHz 12º). For use with X126, X136, X105C, LMS-480, LMS-335C
90-40 THST-NB Through-hull-mount, 8º bronze housing, speed and temp sensor
Transducer Adapter Cables
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