Petzl Adapt Plate for Strix Headlamps
The Petzl Adapt Plate for Strix Headlamps is a genuine Petzl plate that is designed to be used for attaching a Petzl Strix headlamp to a helmet which has no OPS core ACH-ARC rail attachment system.
The Petzl Adapt Plate for Strix Headlamps can be adapted to be used in conjunction with any type of military helmet.
Use of the Petzl Adapt Plate for Strix Headlamps allows you to use the Strix headlamp from a headwear position without what can sometimes be the inconvenient use of a headband which in certain circumstances may slip out of position or be uncomfortable when worn under a close-fitting helmet.
- Adapts to all models of military helmets
- Eliminates inconvenience of headband (wear, bulk etc)
- Weight: 32 g