SOLAS No. 1 Poster and SOLAS No. 2 Card
The SOLAS No. 1 Poster and SOLAS No. 2 Card are essential safety items for sea-borne craft as they provide clearly worded and illustrated life-saving signals and rescue methods plainly set out so that they can be easily and understandably referred to even in times of emergency when there may be a certain degree of panic among people faced with a crisis needing an immediate response.
The SOLAS No 1 Poster is 600 x 425 mm and is printed on long-lasting plastic laminated card.
The SOLAS No 2 Card is 210 x 180 mm and contains the same information as on the Poster.
The Card is printed on both sides on plastic laminated card.
- SOLAS No. 1: Part No: SUR0155
- SOLAS No. 2: Part No: SUR0160